Monday, 13 October 2008

Soccer Stuff

Once on the news a whole heap of New Zealanders went to England's premiere league to trial for the FA cup teams. The FA cup teams have been around for a very long time. The red demons, known as Manchester United, have been around since 1878. They are my favourite team because they are very good,they usually win the FA cups.


Glenview Nine said...

Did the New Zealanders get picked for the FA cup teams?

My favourite team is Leeds United, but they do not win cups very often.

Room 24 said...

hey M.H im quet interested in this blog post and its very detailed

Room 24 said...

this ia a really good blog post about the FA cup..

I like how you talked about the england stuff...



Room 24 said...

Nice story i like how you used descriptive words very good

Anonymous said...

cool stuff about the FA cup oh yeah what is new zealands soccer team called?


Anonymous said...

just wondering has England lost a game yet ? please anser