Towards the end of last term and at the beginning of this term we have worked on 6 Word Memoirs and 5 frame stories as ways of coveying a message or idea using only a few words & mostly pictures. We even did some oral six word memoirs using VoiceThread. We also looked at other people's 5 Frame stories and six word memoirs to see how they did it.
What I would like you to do in the comments section is to reflect on the learning you have done so far. Answer the following questions in the comments section and remember to sign your initials so I know who you are.
1. What did you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
2. What didn't you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
3. What do you think makes a good six word memoir?
4. What do you think makes a good 5 Frame story?
5. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 6 Word Memoirs?
6. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 5 Frame Stories?
7. What do you know about camera angles? How did it help you in planning and creating your own 5 Frame story?
8. Visit the six word memoirs on OUR wiki and visit our VoiceThread, leave some useful feedback for others about there work.
9. How do you feel about leaving feedback for others? How do you feel when others leave feedback for you? What do you think about feedback from your parents, other children from other schools, other teachers?
10. What are the pluses about doing our work on the internet and working on projects that other children are participating in from around New Zealand and the world? Can you think of any disadvantages? What are they.
11. Is there anything else you'd like to say about 5 Frame Stories or 6 Word Memoirs?
Remember to write your answers as complete sentneces that make sense in English. I know you'll do a fantastic job. :)
Hey Mrs McGhie
I have answers to the questions. By the way this will be a long comment!!
1)I enjoyed seeing everybody elses work
2)I didn't enjoy the storyboarding on the 5 frame stories
3)A good 6 word memoir needs descriptive words
4)A good 5 frame story needs to be interesting and attention grabbing
5)Doing 6 word meoirs you need to use a thearsaurus.
6)Doing 5 frame stories is pretty easy but you need to story board
7)You definitly need good camera angles for 5 frame stories because it helps people understand whag the story is about
8)Will do
9)I don't mind giving feedback to others but I feel a bit bad when its not all positive. I like getting feedback from other people because it helps me understand what I need to work on. Feedback from anybody is good because thhere will be a few thins you need to work on.
10)It is fun doing schoolwork on the internet because I like to use computers and it is also fun doing work with otther kids in New Zealand because you are doing work without seeing them. There are no disadvantages because it is fun.
11)Not that I can think of.
you get to pick your pickcers
1. I did like it because:
you could chose your own pictures to make 6 words to go with it and i liked the 5 frame storys because your inventing you own story with 5 picture and you have to figure out how to make it work.
2. I didn't like it because sometimes with the six word memoir you got 7 or 5 words insted of 6.
3. I think a good 6 word memoir recquiares:
discriptive words and intresting words.
4. I thik a good 5 frame story requiares:
good camra angles, not to far away shots and not to confusing
5. I would say to them:
intresting words and discriptive words
6. I would say to them:
not to far away, not to confusing and good camra angles.
7. I know that you have to get the right angle for a good picture it helped me know what angle to do it in.
8. I have already left a comment.
9. I sometimes are a little nervous. I'm ok when some one leaves on for me. i think it is really intresting and helpfull but sometimes anoying.
10. the pluses are you learn more about the internet and it is more fun. i can't think of any bad things.
11. no. there is nothing.
1) when we done six word memoirs it was hard aswel as fun.
2) what i didnt like about 5 frame stories was having to do the story bords.
3) a good six word memoirs needs good and descriptive words to show it's a good six word memoirs.
4) a good 5 frame story needs interesting pictures.
1) when we done six word memoirs it was hard aswel as fun.
2) what i didnt like about 5 frame stories was having to do the story bords.
3) a good six word memoirs needs good and descriptive words to show it's a good six word memoirs.
4) a good 5 frame story needs interesting pictures.
1)I enjoyed taking photos, planing, recording and typing the 5 frame storys and 6 word memoirs.
2)I did'nt enyoy trying to get the animals to stand for the photo and trying to think of discriptive words for the word memoirs.
3)I think a good 6 word memoir sould have discriptive words and adjectives!!!!!
4)I think a good 5 frame story
sould have good eye veiws be close enough make sense and have a problem and a solution!!!!
5)The suggestions and tips a would give would be:make sense good adjectives and explane what is going on.
6)the suggestines I would give to other people doing 5 frame storys would be plan good angles and eye veiws and make sense
7)I know that there is birds eye veiw, worms eye veiw, mid shot, close up, portrat and others!!!
8)Can't do
9)I feel good leving good coments for others!!! I feel good that others leave feed back for me because it shows that poeple are readind my stuf!!!
Finish later
1. I did like it because:
you could chose your own pictures to make 6 words to go with it and i liked the 5 frame storys because your inventing you own story with 5 picture and you have to figure out how to make it work.
2. I didn't like it because sometimes with the six word memoir you got 7 or 5 words insted of 6.
3. I think a good 6 word memoir needs: Detailed and decscripteve Sentences
4. I thik a good 5 frame story needs:
good camra angles, not to far away shots and not to blurry and not to close.
5. I would say to them use:
intresting words and discriptive sentences.
6. I would say to them:
not to far away, not to blurry and good camra angles rembering worms eye view and birds eye view.
7. I know that you have to get the right angle for a good picture it helped me know what angle to do.
8. I have already left a comment.
9. I feel quite fine because you are helping them to learn I fell ok because they are helping me to learn. 10. the pluses are you learn more about the internet and it is more fun. I can't think of any bad things.
11. could we do some more because they are fun to do!
1)The 5 frame story was fun because one could make our own.The six word memoirs was great because we coud use only 6 words.
2)the 5 fame story was hard cause you can only use 5 pictures.The memoir was hard cause it was hard tonthink of what to write.
3)You have to use adjective and descrbing words for the memoir.
4)you use good camra angles,and make sense.
5)put adjective ,funny,intresting words
6)camra angles not to far and not that near,make sense and intresting.
7)there are diffent camra angles.the camra angles made my 5fame story look better.
8)I will do it.
9)I feel happy to leave another person a commet.I feel excited that other people read my blog post.I wiil read the erey time I get one and I like othe people giving me commets.
10)it can help you learn about other people.I like work with othe people on can get off task or you may not understand.
11)I dont have anything else to say about the 5 fame story and the 6 word Memoirs
1)What i enjoyed about the six words memoir is that it gives you a chanlge try to find six word for that picture and what I like about the 5 frames stories is that you could make your story any thing you want like a dragon getting killed.
2)I didnt like thinking about the words for the six words memoirs the 1 thing i hate about the 5 frames story is the cramra angle.
3)I think makes a good six word memoir is having big word something people under stand and some thing that make snese.
4)i think having a good 5 frame is good cramrea angle something that make snese something not boring and not to much toys.
5)The tip i would give to a class would be that use big words that you could think off. Chosse a picture that you could make words with.
6)The tip i would give about the 5 frame story would be make it not too boring good cramrea angles and make it a good 5 frame story.
7)I learnt how too do cramera angles because mrs M taught us how to do brids eye view and worms eye view i know how to do 5 frame storys cause wwe saw them on the internet and mrs M taught us too.
8)will do.
9)ill be good and ill know what to work on.
10)the pluses is when you win it would be a compition and if you dont win dont be mad.
Hello Mrs M!!
Get a drink and get ready for a long comment!!
1. I enjoyed taking pictures 4 the 5 frame stories and thinking up a phrase 4 the 6 word memoirs.
2. Well...actually, I liked everything about it!!
3. I think in a good 6 word memoir you need to make it kind of simple and try to think of what a poet would write.
4. I think to have a good 5 frame story you need to know that your story will make sense to the people reading it.
5. Think like a poet and make sure you like your work!!
6. Make sure that your story makes sense.
7. I know that closeup and birdseyeview are good types of shots. It helped me because our story pictures turned out very good in the end.
8. OK!
9. I feel good because I feel like I am being helpful.
10. I like working on the internet because we get to explore new websites and learn new things.
11. It was really fun and thankyou Mrs M!!
Bye!! CM
A.D.B said
1)I enjoyed the 6 word memoirs and the 5 frame storys because we got to use the cameras and we got to pick our pics.
2)I didn't enjoy the 6 word memoirs
and the 5 frame storys because sometimes it got a bit to hard.
3)I think agood 6 word memoirs have 1 sentens/phrase and it should make sense.
4)I think agood 5 frame story has good angles and photos.
5)I would suggest that they should make sure others can understand it.
6)I would suggest that you should make sure it has good photo angles and no one else who should be in the background.
7)I know that there are different camera angles like worms eye view and birds eye view. It helped me by knowing what are good camera angles and what are bad camera angles.
9)I feel that leaving coments for others is good because then others can find out what you think. I think it is good when others leave you comments because then you know what you need to work on. I enjoy it when my parents leave a comment because then they see my work. I also enjoy it when other children and teachers from different schools leave comments because they might have different standards than we do.
10)The positives of doing our work on the internet and sharing the work with other children are you learn more about the computer and see how other children do thare work but I can't think of any negetives.
11) I don't have anything else to say about the 6 word memoirs or 5 frame storys.
1. Well it was really fun and easy work.
2. It is work and that is all.
3. I think you have to make it 6 words no!! more or less and it has to be in the picher.
4. gets peoples antention.
Hi it's DH here! :-)
1)Both are fun & easy to do.
2)It was kinda hard understand
3)Good descriptive writing.
4)Good camra angles.
5)Do Descriptive adjectives
6)Aways focuse the camra.
7)It helped a lot because it made look cooler
1. I enjoyed doing the 5 frame stories and the six word memoirs because with the 5 frame stories you got to choose your own toys and put them together to make a 5 frame story. I like the 6 word memoirs because you got to choose what diffrent words you want to do. ( and it's fun)
2. I didn't enjoy the 5 frame story because it was hard to set up then take good picture angles. I didnt enjoy the 6 word memoirs because they were hard to make up and then when you had lot's of ideas it was hard to choose what one.
3. I think a good six word memoir is to add lot's of detail and lot's of interesting words.
4. I think a good 5 frame story is to get good angles on the picture and to set up the picture clearly
5. I would say that a six word memoir is really fun and that you have to put a lot of descripcion words into it.
6. I think a 5 frame story is really fun but try to get the right camera angles and set it up right.
7. Camera Angles helped me when i was taking pictures they helped me because when I looked down i closed up and took a birds eye view and I used a camera angles.
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