Monday, 13 October 2008

Room 24s Term

In Term 3 we made ancient chinese umbrellas and and dragon puppets. International Talk Like a Pirat day was fun but we had to dress like a pirate but most of the boys didnot the girls did dress like a pirate. My best day was when we did the puppets and umbrellas because i like art.


Room 24 said...

wow that is so funny i like it and that time was fun wase net and you bring the joy out again.


Glenview Nine said...

Why didn't the boys dress like pirates? We all grew beards or moustaches for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Aaarrr!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the songs and dancing with the umbrellas. The art work was fab!!! Looking forward to the poems this term. Bring it!!!
From D.H mum

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the songs and dancing with the umbrellas. The art work was fab!!! Looking forward to the poems this term. Bring it!!!
From D.H mum