Last term a special guest visited Glamorgan School,his name was MAHI DRYSDALE!!!,Mahi Drysdale was a rower in the Olymics,and was very sick on the day of the race. He threw up after the race and even when he was sick he tried his hardst and got a bronze. Glamorgan School was very lucky to have him. Each class got to ask him one question,We were also lucky to see the bronze medal as well because he brought it to our school. It was so cool to see a famous rower up close. He was really really tall. We also gave him a present to say thank you for coming.
Here's a question to read and write back to:
Which sports person would you like to meet and why?
Wow! You were so lucky to meet Mahi Drysdale and see his medal.
I would like to meet Sarah Ulmer because I like cycling.
Do you thing you might get an Olympic medal one day?
maybey you might
nice story it was so whats the word eh :)
Wow! You were all so lucky to meet Mahi Drysdale....I really wanted to sneak into the hall that day and meet him too.
G.A's mum
this is a really good story G.A i wish i got 2 hold the medal
and talked next 2 him like C.M
good story
Nice story G.A. I really wish I could have held the medal because its so cool.
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