Towards the end of last term we contributed our ideas to Mrs Shearing's wiki page on 6 word memoirs. Basically you have to tell a story or share a thought about a picture in exactly 6 words. The idea is that the combination of a powerful picture and a carefully constructed "memoir" will be all that is needed to convey a message.
We had to learn about adjectives and how a well chosen adjective can help to create a powerful description. We also explored how your punctuation can change the way a message comes across. We revisited similes and alliteration, which we had learnt about earlier in the year, as these can make all the difference to our descriptions too.
Once we started drafting we discovered that it is VERY hard to get your message across in only 6 words. We all wrote several different versions and then discussed them with our conference group before choosing our best one to revise and publish to the wiki.
We had so much fun doing this that we thought we'd have a go at using this idea to create a VoiceThread. By using a VoiceThread we were able to choose to either type or make our voices heard. The other thing we liked about using VoiceThread is that other people can contribute to our VoiceThread either by adding their own descriptive phrase or by giving us feedback about our efforts. Please take the time to listen to/ read all our contributions and add your own comment or contribution if you like. Thank you to the wonderful educators who have already been to visit and left us a comment.
P.S Mr Guhlin blogged about our VoiceThread here. Thank you so much Mr Guhlin.
We are a Year 5 class from Auckland, New Zealand and this is a place to share our new learning and daily happenings.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Friday, 17 October 2008
5 Frame Stories
We have finished and uploaded our 5 Frame stories to the Tell a Story in 5 Frames - Kids group on Flickr. (The name of the group is a hyperlink - just click on it to be taken to the page where you can view our stories. Please leave a comment after you visit - we like comments.
In the holidays I went to Taupo. The best day was when we went on the high ropes and i had to walk across 1 rope and hold on to 2 ropes. When we got to the other side I had to walk backwards and hold on upside down and then come down. After that we went dirt bike riding through big puddles and jumps it was really fun. At first I didn't know how deep the puddles were but the when i went in one it came up to my hips. when we got back to the motel dad didn't want to go swimming so me and mum went. I went down the wild slide 26 times and i went down the mild slide 18 All together i went on 44 times for $2
Reflecting On Our Learning.
Towards the end of last term and at the beginning of this term we have worked on 6 Word Memoirs and 5 frame stories as ways of coveying a message or idea using only a few words & mostly pictures. We even did some oral six word memoirs using VoiceThread. We also looked at other people's 5 Frame stories and six word memoirs to see how they did it.
What I would like you to do in the comments section is to reflect on the learning you have done so far. Answer the following questions in the comments section and remember to sign your initials so I know who you are.
1. What did you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
2. What didn't you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
3. What do you think makes a good six word memoir?
4. What do you think makes a good 5 Frame story?
5. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 6 Word Memoirs?
6. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 5 Frame Stories?
7. What do you know about camera angles? How did it help you in planning and creating your own 5 Frame story?
8. Visit the six word memoirs on OUR wiki and visit our VoiceThread, leave some useful feedback for others about there work.
9. How do you feel about leaving feedback for others? How do you feel when others leave feedback for you? What do you think about feedback from your parents, other children from other schools, other teachers?
10. What are the pluses about doing our work on the internet and working on projects that other children are participating in from around New Zealand and the world? Can you think of any disadvantages? What are they.
11. Is there anything else you'd like to say about 5 Frame Stories or 6 Word Memoirs?
Remember to write your answers as complete sentneces that make sense in English. I know you'll do a fantastic job. :)
What I would like you to do in the comments section is to reflect on the learning you have done so far. Answer the following questions in the comments section and remember to sign your initials so I know who you are.
1. What did you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
2. What didn't you enjoy about doing the 6 word memoirs and 5 Frame stories?
3. What do you think makes a good six word memoir?
4. What do you think makes a good 5 Frame story?
5. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 6 Word Memoirs?
6. What suggestions and tips would you give to another class doing 5 Frame Stories?
7. What do you know about camera angles? How did it help you in planning and creating your own 5 Frame story?
8. Visit the six word memoirs on OUR wiki and visit our VoiceThread, leave some useful feedback for others about there work.
9. How do you feel about leaving feedback for others? How do you feel when others leave feedback for you? What do you think about feedback from your parents, other children from other schools, other teachers?
10. What are the pluses about doing our work on the internet and working on projects that other children are participating in from around New Zealand and the world? Can you think of any disadvantages? What are they.
11. Is there anything else you'd like to say about 5 Frame Stories or 6 Word Memoirs?
Remember to write your answers as complete sentneces that make sense in English. I know you'll do a fantastic job. :)
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Writing Starter
After a challenge?
Use the picture above and write a story, poem or a report about pandas. You need to write your story (or poem or report) in the comments section.
Doggy Party
In the September holidays I celebrated my dog's birthday! She turned 3 on September 11th. We gave her heaps of doggy treats. The day before her birthday her friend came over to play. I took them for a walk around the block. When we came home I gave them doggy treats I made the dogs do a trick before I gave them the treat. Just before they went home the owner said "We're going home now" and then they started to play. The day after her birthday we visited her friend who came over to our place. They didn.t play until we said, "Lets go now". Then once again they started to play!
By A.D.B
Hi there
We are learning about fractions the top number on the fraction is called the nemorator and the bottom number is the denomonator. Did you know that if you have the nemorator and the denomonator the same number it would be a whole no matter what? Decimals are a type of fraction! Fractions are really interesting!
We are learning about fractions the top number on the fraction is called the nemorator and the bottom number is the denomonator. Did you know that if you have the nemorator and the denomonator the same number it would be a whole no matter what? Decimals are a type of fraction! Fractions are really interesting!
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
In the holidays I saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua with my Granny the Chihuahua is called Chloe, she gets lost in Mexico. Chloe was rich. Chloe has a diamond collar and everybody is trying to get it. She meets a dog. That helps her. There is a rat and a lizard. The rat is funny. The best part of the movie was when the rat was in a piniata. Someone picked it up and the rat and the lizard fell out. It made me laugh.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Year Six
Hi there! When i go to year six i am looking ford to camp because it looks like it will be fun! Also the work in mrs c's class(witch is room10 ) has to be perfect or else mrs c will make you to do it agin. In room 10 the art work is wonderful . The teachers in year six are mrs s mrs c mrs m mrs h. that is my post i will write agin for youplease coment .J.R.K
what i did in the hoildays
In the hoildays I went to Whangarei and went to the simming pool . I was so exciterd to go and I was having so much fun . But , my mum was reading and bored . I asked my mum but she would not get into the pool the next day I went to the bmx track and stayed there for four hours.I was exhausted !I went to my dads after and played with my dog (kennashe is a schottish terrier ) at night Iwent to my grandparents place. I thought that my autntie was trying to poison me but she did not. It was the pasta-it made me feel sick!!.
My Holidays
In my holidays I went to the movies and saw wall.e.
Then the next day I went to a holiday program for a week
the next week i went bolling with my brouther and my famerly.
Then it was the end of the holidays.
By G.C
Then the next day I went to a holiday program for a week
the next week i went bolling with my brouther and my famerly.
Then it was the end of the holidays.
By G.C
The Last day of the holidays
These holidays i didn't do much apart from going to movies but thats what everybody does. Pretty much all I did was watch T.V with my dad for 5 hours and had lunch served to me. On the last day I was a little upset because I didn't get to do much.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Soccer Stuff
Once on the news a whole heap of New Zealanders went to England's premiere league to trial for the FA cup teams. The FA cup teams have been around for a very long time. The red demons, known as Manchester United, have been around since 1878. They are my favourite team because they are very good,they usually win the FA cups.
Google Sketch Up
Google Sketch Up
Last term one of my best computer toys at school was called Google Sketch Up. In Google Sketch Up there are heaps of tools, the tools are: Mouse, Rectangle, Circle, Pencil, Rotate, Arc, Push and Pull, Measure, Paint Bucket, Move, Zoom, Walk, Pan, 3D Warehouse, Eraser, Shadow and Follow Me. This is How they are used:
Mouse: To highlight things
Rectangle: To make a rectangle
Circle: To make a circle
Pencil: To make lines
Rotate: To turn things
Arc: To make an arc
Push & Pull: To make shapes 3D
Measure: To measure objects
Paint Bucket: To paint stuff
Move: To move things
Zoom: To zoom in & out
Walk: To make the camera move at a certain pace
Pan: To pan round the place
3D Warehouse: To import 3D objects
Shadow: To make shadows
Follow Me: To make pipes
My best part of it is that you get to make 3D houses, cars etc.
Bathurst 1000 2008
Bathurst 2008 was a very cool race held in Australia. Bathurst is a race were different brands of cars race to see whos the fastest. This race went on for 5 hours and the dricvers had to do about 161 laps of a course. Bathurst is sort of big in my family because my grandad use to work for honda. Also my uncle went to the race live. I watched the qualifying and top ten shootout and a bit of the final race. New Zealand was very lucky to have great racers like Greg Murphy as one of New Zealands drivers. He came 2nd with Jason Richards. Supercheap auto is their main sponsor.
Do you know anything else about Bathurst?
Please comment
Do you know anything else about Bathurst?
Please comment
Miley cyrus/Hannah montana!!!
One night my friend and i were sitting in front of the when suddenly miley cyrus appeared on the news she was celebrating her sweet sixteen at disney land. All of her fans were invited.miley cyrus and hannah montana !!WOW!! miley cyrus sang break out and much more. Me and my friends are such big fans. Hannah montana has her very own program on disney channel. I like Hannah montana/miley cyrus because she is a great singer and she is very nice. I wish she was my older sister.
My Trip to England

When i went to England it took 30 hours to get there. We Went From Auckland To Brisbane To Brunei To Dubai To London It Was A really really long flight. We Flew with Royal Brunei. My grandad,nan uncle Auntie and my baby cousin came to collect us from Heathrow airport. I went in my grandads merc (mercedes) my brother went in my nans mini. When i got there i rememberd my grandads houes it is exactly like all of the other houes in the street.
Room 24s Term
In Term 3 we made ancient chinese umbrellas and and dragon puppets. International Talk Like a Pirat day was fun but we had to dress like a pirate but most of the boys didnot the girls did dress like a pirate. My best day was when we did the puppets and umbrellas because i like art.
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
One night my friend and I were watching T.V when suddenly Miley Cyrus came on the news. It was Miley Cyrus sweet sixteen party and she was celebrating it at Disney Land all her fans were invited. Miley Cyrus sang "Breakout" and heaps of other songs (she is a really good singer). Miley Cyrus is hannah montana AWSOME!!.My friends and I are bigs fans of Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana has her own programme on Disney Channel. I am a big fan of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus because she is a really good singer, she is really nice and she has got her own show. I wish she was my big sister. Not everyone likes her because some people think shes a bad singer and a bad actor.
Terrific Trampolining
Every Thursday I go to the N.S.T.C. That means the North Shore Trampoling Club.I do the recreational sort.I love tramp because
- I want to be able to do what the competetors at the olympics can do
- Because I can hang out with my friends
- Because I love it so much.
my favourite coach is Leo because he can do almost anything and he's still young . Also he supports us and helps us rise to challenges. At tramp we have four tramps and two double mini tramps that are combined I have been doing tramp for a little over two terms I think that I will carry on doing tramp because it is one of my favourite sports
North Shore Trampoline Club,
Waiwera hot pools!!!!
When my mum picked me up from my friends house to go to Waiwera it was so cool. I went on the little kids slide with the water fall and we went to the big yellow and blue slide. One of the side was'nt deep but the pool was so deep I got out of the pool, stood on the side and jumped off landing in the water!
Competition for the best
I think that the Greens for the goverment party would be the best choice because they don't have everything good about them but the good things about them would be the best choice. The Greens are going to try to save the enviroment to help everyone. I thnk one of the worst ones are John Key because he just makes the bills go up up up UP and i just wouldn't vote for him. I am not sure for any others because i haven't heard about them , but i know Helen Clark.
Who would you vote for and why?
Do you know any of them personly?
Who would you vote for and why?
Do you know any of them personly?
Welcome to the World!
On the 8th of October, I was the luckiest girl ever because I got up and close with the Auckland Zoo's newest baby tiger cubs! They were all girls and two of them were twins. Oz, the dad, was so proud to be a dad for once! Milecka the mum was so stressed and thats how the Zoo keepers found out she was pregnant.When I was there, she was shut out because it was too dangerous to go in there with her too!After, I go to bottle feed one cub while the Zoo keepers fed the other two. It was such a good experince to be with them and that I was the first one to see them up and close!
Question: Have you ever been up close with any tigers? Did you enjoy it?
Question: Have you ever been up close with any tigers? Did you enjoy it?
Guarding the NZ Waters, the Royal New Zealand Navy
In the holidays I went to the Navy base. It was very cool because my name was on the memorial board. We also saw a boat in the dry dock which is a dock where they drain all the water out so they can fix the boat. It was a awesome expearience.
- Do you know were Aucklands navy base is exactly? where?
- Have you ever been there? would you like to go there? why?
- What do you think the navy do for New Zealand?
A Very Special Guest
Last term a special guest visited Glamorgan School,his name was MAHI DRYSDALE!!!,Mahi Drysdale was a rower in the Olymics,and was very sick on the day of the race. He threw up after the race and even when he was sick he tried his hardst and got a bronze. Glamorgan School was very lucky to have him. Each class got to ask him one question,We were also lucky to see the bronze medal as well because he brought it to our school. It was so cool to see a famous rower up close. He was really really tall. We also gave him a present to say thank you for coming.
Here's a question to read and write back to:
Which sports person would you like to meet and why?
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Hi everyone, it's Mrs McGhie here. I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday so far. I thought I would upload the Glogster chart I made the other day and shared at school. Some of you have been lucky enough to use Glogster. I have emailed the EduGlogster people and they are busy organising a special student account for us to use so you can create your own Glogsters in a cyber-safe environment.
If you have a few spare moments I have a question to ask...
What ideas/suggestions do you have for ways that we could use Glogster in the classroom? Would it be a helpful digital tool or do you think it is unnecessary?
So far I have discovered that we can email a link to our Glogsters, we can embed them into our blogs and wikis and if you don't have any movie or sound parts then you can take a screenshot to create a jpeg image to use in VoiceThread, PhotoStory, Comic Life,etc.
Please add your ideas and suggestions to the comments section for this blog post. Have a fabulous holiday. Check our SchoolZone page tomorrow too because I have a couple more holiday tasks ready for you to do.
If you have a few spare moments I have a question to ask...
What ideas/suggestions do you have for ways that we could use Glogster in the classroom? Would it be a helpful digital tool or do you think it is unnecessary?
So far I have discovered that we can email a link to our Glogsters, we can embed them into our blogs and wikis and if you don't have any movie or sound parts then you can take a screenshot to create a jpeg image to use in VoiceThread, PhotoStory, Comic Life,etc.
Please add your ideas and suggestions to the comments section for this blog post. Have a fabulous holiday. Check our SchoolZone page tomorrow too because I have a couple more holiday tasks ready for you to do.
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