This term we have been learning all about Ancient China.We searched about famous Chinese places and did a power point or Photo Story on 12 Chinese
inventions.We got to read a two Chinese books -
The Dragon Keeper and
The Willow Patten. This term for art we did Chinese dragon umbrellas and dragon puppets. We did an explanation report about making paper and we presented the last Assembly for the term.

Wow, these are SO impressive! I like your instructions too. I would love to make these with my class. I bet that your classroom looks amazing with these hanging down! Well done! Miss S.
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we worked so hard to do all of our umbrellas!!!
B.S and G.C
mrs mcghie 24 torbay
WOW A.Y this is such a good explantion A.R and C.R both like it because you told us every thing you have been doing for the past term in detild writing!
C.R & A.R
wow guys our art work really does stand out i never knew!!!!!!
I like your post because you have useful information.
WOW!! your Umbrella looks like those Dragons are alive! you nealy had me scared!!
G.A & J.A
our favourite thing about researching ancient china was sketching and painting and indian inking the dragons
j.A & G.A
WOW thats some extremley good art work year 5 cant wait to see more art work
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