This term we are studing Ancient China our art has been done very nicely because our teacher Mrs M has shown us how to do a very good painting with layers like a base coat, a top coat and detail. We have done things to do with China have a guess...... Did you guess dragon? Then you are right we did do dragons. They are red, green, orange, pink, yellow and purple. We got to use a little bit of gold (A little bit) on the detail. I think our pictures are very bright and make the classroom look colourful

(Finished pictures coming soon)
It was really fun when we did our dragons we could mixed colours and do really fun things and we did really pretty patterns.
We could make a dragons look like any thing my dragon look liked a cat.
B.S and G.C
mrs mcghie 24 torbay
Hey A.B!!
Your post was very interesting. Your paintings look very good. Hope your finished product turned out well. Why did you choose to have "Phenomenal Paintings"??
Next time you could use a flow chart to explain your steps.
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