Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Yesterday we contributed to a VoiceThread about Sir Edmund Hillary. Ms Hellyer at Tradale Intermediate created it and her class Rm 18, Mr Lietze's class (Year 6s from Tauranga) and our class have all shared our ideas about the attributes that made Sir Edmund Hillary special. We have also thought about how we could be like him and have set goals for ourselves based on these attributes. We drafted our ideas first, then recorded ourselves reading them outloud onto the VoiceThread . You can click the play button on the VoiceThread below to hear our contributions and see what children from other schools have added. Rm 18 are going to add theirs soon and some other schools might add things too so check back and see. Our recordings are attached to the cat picture (Mrs McGhie's cat Merlin)and are scattered all through the VoiceThread . We were really excited to be able to hear our voices and think it's pretty cool to be working on a shared project with these older children.


Anonymous said...

Wow everybody - you are learning so many new technologies already this year!

Just thought you might like to know that I made your comment into a whole blog post! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I will keep you informed about where it all heads to.

I liked your suggestion of asking vodafone and Telecom for cheaper rates! I think that in the future, cellphone charges are going to become much much cheaper more like they are overseas.

Tomorrow I will be adding the list of ideas that I first began with - you may be interested to have a look and compare some of your ideas with mine!

Thanks again, Room 24. You guys are awesome!!!

Teaching Sagittarian said...

It is a pleasure to have you all contributing to our VoiceThread on Sir Edmund Hilary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and goals with us and we hope that you have a very successful year of learning with your awesome teacher Mrs McGhie!
From Room18 TIS and Ms Hellyer.

Mr Lietze said...

Hi Room 24!

Your blog looks bright and cheerful. Thank you for commenting on our blog. It was cool to get it.
We were wondering if you could put some pictures of yourselves on the blog. It would be nice to see some faces.

From E3.

Anonymous said...

Well done on helping out with the voicethread. You might like to read Room 21's blog post that they wrote about Sir Ed. I learnt some new facts from them!

Keep up the fantastic work!
Miss Signal