Hi everyone,
thanks for visiting our blog this year and sharing all our exciting learning discoveries with us. I am really proud of how much my class has grown over the year, they're a talented bunch of kids. We have explored and experimented with all kinds of digital tools this year and this has meant we've needed to do a lot of thinking and problem solving as well. The children are all moving on to new classes and I'm moving to a new school. I am really sad to say goodbye to my class, but I'm looking forward to getting to know my new class. This is the last post for this blog. If you would like to follow the learning journey of my new class in 2009 please visit our blog here. (http://mrsmacscyberkids.blogspot.com/)
I hope to see you at my new class blog.
Bye for now
From Mrs McGhie (and Rohi the Kea).