Monday, 14 April 2008

what we have been up to.

The last few weeks we have been in the Discovery Centre making ads about ourselves on Movie Maker,Power Point and Photo Story. Most of us chose Power Point. When we were finished the teacher showed the whole class everybodys ad. While we were watching, Mrs McGhie was assessing us. A few people didn't get to show theirs because they were not finished or they hadn't done somthing. A few weeks after we had assembly. 3 people were presenters, one each from Rm 24, Rm 22 and Rm 23. At the end of the assembly we did a rap about being in team five, that someone in our class made up. After assembly when everyone had left, we went back to our class and did oral presentations. We had interviewed a partner and we were presenting them in front of the whole class. Some people thought it was really embarrassing. While we were presenting our partner the teacher was assesing us on voice projection, eye contact and stuff like that. Meanwhile, we have finished the "Misery Guts" book we started to read. We had to do a last activity about it like a film strip or board game and heaps of other stuff. Nearly everyone did the board game. We have also been doing something called Nga Mihi wich is kind of like "Advertising Me" but slightly different. In the time we had with it we had to draw a picture of what you look like, we also had to copy our house and write where we live inside our drawn house, where you came from, what airline you flew here in,what river and also what mountain was near us in our country. We have also been learning about the sixteen Habits of Mind here are some of them:
Creating,Imagining and Innovation,
Taking responsibile risks,
Managing Impulsivity,
Remainig open to continuous learning
and Thinking flexibily.
Bye for now!!!!
By G.A.